Promise the Children 2016: No Summer Slide

“Summer slide” causes the achievement gap between children whose families earn less, and those that earn more. In downloadsummer children forget what they learned in the previous school year when parents cannot afford to send them to quality camps. A quality camp combines fun with learning activities. Children with wealthy parents who send them to well-rounded camps do not experience summer slide.

The camp programs that prevent summer slide provide learning activities similar to the school curriculum, but more fun. Reading, writing and communication are encouraged. There is even a bit of mathematics. There may be arts, crafts, and games. There are also summer sports and outside activities. There may be trips to parks and beaches. In general, there should be more fun planned than in a regular school day.

Many of these camps are supported by private donations. Better ones are incorporated as non-profit or charitable, and are managed by a skilled Board of Directors. The local, state or federal government may fund some summer camps, and/or provide scholarships. All these camps may also accept federal meals programs for eligible children. They may also receive vouchers for childcare as payment. Families may have to pay fees on a sliding scale that relates to income. Families also may have to provide lunch and/or snacks.

imagesNon-profit summer camps include Girl’s Inc., Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs, YMCA, YWCA, and perhaps some local churches. In addition, certain towns  and recreational parks provide summer programs. . You can do a google search for summer camps sponsored by your local government.

To raise awareness for this issue, and to let the candidates know you care about it, contact them on social media and ask them how they plan to make sure children have access to summer camps that prevent summer slide. For example:

@HillaryClinton @realDonaldTrump Will you support  summer camps that include learning and prevent Summer Slide? @PromisetheChild #WeR4Prek

Here is a complete list of presidential candidates, including those running third party. For help contacting elected officials through social media or other means, click here

Posted: August 8, 2016 in: Child Literacy, Child Poverty

2 Responses to Promise the Children 2016: No Summer Slide

  1. Delaney says:

    I think it would be great if all children had some form of education during the summer. My teachers spent so much time in the beginning of the school year reviewing things from the previous year, especially in math. Children could learn so much more if that time did not have to be wasted on review.


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